Thursday, May 6, 2010

The First of Many Toasts

Are you sitting down? You aren't driving while trying to read this on your iphone are ya? You need to pull over. You need to be sitting down. Don't hold anything breakable. Don't....oh okay I will get to the news now. I have the most happy news to report!! I had tests this morning at MD Anderson and we met with Dr. B after. He said that everything still looked good.....
The news gets better....
It has been a year and a half of Sutent (chemo) so Dr. B went back and compared how my tumors in my lungs looked from then to now. AND HE SAID.............
MOST OF THEM ARE GONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Then I said...most of them - how many were there? More than 3 he answered, but only three were significant. Then he said of the few left, that they showed signs of shrinking and and a couple had only changed shape (which is not a bad thing). This is the first time that I have heard officially that the Sutent was working. And though I knew the words "Cancer-Free" were in my future, I have a better time line now. The tentative plan is to continue the chemo daily for at least another year and then if he is still very pleased, then they will remove what is left out of my right lung. I am so excited!! Naturally! And I bet you are just bouncing up and down in your seat as you read this too. Peeps, your prayers are being answered. If you can remember what Dr. B first told me about having/raising children, then you will know how important this next question I asked him was. I asked if this meant that I could have/raise children when I was near 40. AND HE SAID maybe even before then. YIPPEE!!! This proves what I have believed in all along....that I would get to be a mommy and that I would live to see their children grow up too.
I know there is still a pretty lengthy road ahead of us, but this news was like getting a brand new car to get us to that finish line.
Even better, I don't have to go back until August. He has asked me to keep watching the nose bleeds and I am going to be logging it down in a journal. And as long as I can continue through the other fun side-effects, I can stay on the medicine. That is great news too, because each break makes it harder for them to see what the tumors are doing. And I want them to have the best information I can give them.
Did I mention how super all of this this is!!
Thank you for not giving up, for not giving in, for not letting go. After all....POSITIVITY IS POWER.
Speaking of...Relay rocked and I will be writing again once I get the results at our last team captain's meeting on Tuesday. So tune in for more marvelous news to come.


Lisha said...

Amen!! I cried when jake sent me an email earlier!! Thank you LORD for answered prayers! And we will continue to pray without ceasing for you to be CANCER FREE!!!!

Lisa said...

Amanda, not only am I bouncing up and down in my chair, I'm clapping and crying, too. I can't wait to hug you in person on Tuesday. YOU are why we do what we do, year in and year out. GOD IS SOOOOOO GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lynnette said...

WOO HOO!!! Praise God, that is totally awesome.

MsHeidi said...

AWESOME!!!! I'm doing an ice cream and cake dance for you :)

The Brokaws said...

YEA!!!! This is awesome!!! So, so, so happy for you!!!

Julie Ann said...

Mandy! I just love YOU!!

Anonymous said...

YEAH!!! I am so happy!! This has made my day so much brighter.
