Thursday, June 11, 2009


Morning! I can tell it's going to be another great day in the neighborhood!! I'm up pretty early drinking coffee. I'm usually up early, but I am not usually awoken to a charlie-horse in my left calf. Ouch! I had to fall asleep with cramps in my right foot last night too. I can't assume this is the doings of might have been the huge pecan pie with icecream and whipped cream that I helped Sean and Nona eat last night. I am a good helper when it comes to finishing desserts. I have to admit that being on chemo will make you scrutinize every abnormality and often has the makings of a hypacondriact. So if it happens once in a while; no worries. Let's HOPE that experience is only on occasion. I did forget about the terrible, vivid dreams though. Whew!! I am glad this one wasn't true because I'd have to tell Sean that someone stole our mower out of our garage again.......Never mind all that. I am happy to be up. And I owed a completion on my last post too. Did you know that Relay for Life and The Rainbow Connection are both celebrating 25 years?! That is amazing!!!!! The Rainbow Connection has a camp and I met some pretty neat ladies when I was attending the Relay meetings, Heidi, Lisa, Janis, Christy and they invited me to be a volunteer counselor at the camp this summer. Of course I jumped at that chance. I loved camp as a kid (Heart of the Hills - go Shawnee Power!!!!) and I always wanted to be a counselor, but I just never had the full time. Needless to say, I am super excited!!! This camp has the kiddos ages 6-15 from Utmb. They either have cancer, blood disorders, or are a loved one of one that does. Here, they are just a camper. Doing things that campers do. And because people donate every year, they get to go the whole week for less than $50! I love it! As I write this I am envisioning myself wearing all white like we did on Sundays at camp Heart singing Kumbaya(cum-by-ya)......check out this site Camp Location: Camp for All in Burton, Texas. Camp for All is a facility built especially for individuals with special needs.
Camp Activities: Fishing, swimming, canoeing, archery, riflery, horseback riding, arts and crafts, challenge course, sports, all-camp dance, talent show, campfires, music, cook-outs, nightly activities, awards and many other activities.

Countdown -2 weeks away!!!

So many of you wrote me back from yesterday's post. Wow! I love you all!! Thank you so much for your incredibly sweet, kind, loving, inspiring words. It really MEANS so much to me always and every time. I have saved every sweet word. It helps me tremendously to look over those encouraging words on those days that I am not feeling my best. Thank you so much.


MsHeidi said...

They're not quite Kumbaya - but just wait till you learn the camp songs (and dances to go with them!) You're gonna love it! And the kids are gonna love you. It's gonna be a fabulous week!

Terry Lynn said...

Awe, Amanda, camp is going to be so much fun for you and the kids! I'm glad to hear that you're feeling okay and eating pecan pie w/ ice cream (yum!). Wish you much love and call me soon so we can hang out!