So much going on and so little time......
I have been busy busy busy....will that ever stop...hmmm.....probably not. :)
First things first...I meant to get back on here and tell you that our team, Positivity is Power, raised $6,212.16!!! Wow!! Please let me thank you again, for if it weren't for made this happen. Thank you!
So what has happened since the last time I posted?
My brother married his kindergarten sweetheart. It really is like a fairytale with a most happy ending. They are in Spain for the summer and though I know they are well and happy, I miss them so very much. Along with that, I got to spend the most fabulous wedding weekend (aside from my own wedding of course) with my other brother, Nick, and his wife Rachel and my sister, Janelle. If you are wondering where these two sibling popped up....Remember that Andy and I were adopted. Nick and Janelle and Andy and I have the same birth mom. No, I don't know her (my choice), but I do get to share my time with them and I count my blessings for that. I am hoping to see them all again this summer. One weekend wasn't enough time. I miss them a lot!
I accepted the library position at my elementary school and was accepted into the UNT masters program for library sciences. HUGE I know! I am so very excited about this. I started classes yesterday and was feeling a little overwhelmed because they are all online, but there is such great communication already between the teacher and students that I feel much better today. I had to start another blog post for school on my blog. Throughout the course I will have certain questions to answer. The first question was about how much I don't know yet amazes me. Always learning! I had also learned recently that adopted kiddos in Texas (there are some special circumstances for this) can attend Texas colleges for free. All I need is a copy of my adoption papers.....hmmm....where are those adoption papers? I have a very good friend at the court house helping me with this and I really hope they can find them. College for free would be the icing on this already perfectly delicious cake.
I also started my art camp today. We had so much fun. I had taken them to the Museum of Fine Arts to gallery sketch. They kept saying I was a great tour guide. So sweet!
Hmmmmm...what else? I am still fighting and beating this cancer!!! WHOOO-HOOOO! I see Dr. Benjamin in August for testing and results. And I am sure that I will continue to hear the most positive news. Keep saying those prayers! I can really feel them.
Carpe Diem!